Woodball Team
I. Organization of Woodball Team
1. A team should consist of the following: leader, coach, manager, captain, and team members.
2. Each team can register from 4 and up to 8 players, including the captain for the game. 4 to 6 of them can compete in the game and the best 4 individual scores will be counted as the team result.
II. Players
- The player who did not enter and register his/her name for the game is not permitted to play in the game.
- All players are required to dress in casual sportswear. However, players in the same team competing for teams’ event are required to wear outfits in similar fashion. During the game, player is not permitted to wear high-heel shoes or clothes unsuitable for sport.
- In order to certify their eligibility for the game, Player should bring with them the identifications as issue by the organizing committee.
Functions and Responsibilities of Referee
I. Chief Referee
- Understand the practice and conduct of the game.
- Assign referees to the game and notify the particulars for attention.
- Supervise referees in the execution of the game.
- Assist referees to resolve problems arising from the execution of the game.
- Check the final scores.
- Request to convene the Protest Committee in case an appeal or protest is submitted, and report the incident to the Committee.
- Announce the rules of play and the particulars for attention to the players in advance to their game if necessary.
II. Referee
- Check name list of the players and their equipments.
- Direct the start of play on each fairway and manage the order of play amongst the players in the same session.
- Declare the conclusion of play on each fairway and the number of strokes scored by each player.
- Lead players in the session to complete the game in accordance with the designated order of the fairway.
- Deal with offences and infractions to game rules during play and announce time-out and the restart of play.
- Record number of strokes and infractions occurred for each player in the session.
- Check the result of play and request players in the session to sign their names for confirmation.
- The referee’s action and movement must not affect the player in action.
- The referee must stand at a position where he/she can see clearly sight the player, the mallet and the ball in action.
III. Linesmen
Linesmen can be assigned in championships to assist referees in judging out of bounds and marking of the exit point when the ball in play rolled out of boundary.
Infractions of Rules in First Shot and Penalties
- When the referee hands sign for the start of play and then the player’s first shot should be completed within 10 seconds. Violator is admonished, and repeated infraction will incur the violator a penalty stroke.
- For first shot, the player shall place his/her ball on the starting line or grounds within the starting area, and hit the ball from a stationary posture. Infraction will incur the violator a penalty stroke, and play is to resume, but the next shot is counted as the second stroke.
- Should first shot fail to go out of the starting area; it is still counted as one stroke. Play is to resume, but the next shot is counted as the second stroke.
Infractions of Rules in Hitting and Penalties
- To make a shot, players are suggested to hit the ball in a two-legged stance, holding the mallet with both hands and place the mallet behind the ball. The starting posture should be stationary. It is not permitted to hit the ball while walking. Infraction will incur the violator a penalty stroke, and play is to resume from where the ball lies in its new position.
- The player is allowed to warm-up or practice shots without touching the ball, thus, these shots will not be counted. However, delaying the game by continuous practice is not permitted. The violator is admonished, and repeated infraction will incur the violator a penalty stroke.
- The player should hit the ball within 10 seconds after he/she’s ordered to play. The violator is admonished, and repeated infraction will incur the violator a penalty stroke.
- It is not permitted for others to walk in or across the fairway ahead when player is making a shot. Infraction will incur the violator a penalty stroke.
- It is not permitted for others to shout or use bad language so as to affect the player hitting the ball. Infraction will incur the violator a penalty stroke.
- When hitting, the player swings his/her mallet which merely touches or moves the ball, the swing is counted as one hitting, that is, one stroke.
- The player must hit the ball with the ends of the mallet head, either the bottle’s head or bottom. It is not permitted to hit the ball with the sides of the bottle, or with the shaft of the mallet. Infraction will incur the violator a penalty stroke, and play is to resume from where the ball lies in its new position.
- It is not permitted to push the ball with the mallet. Infraction will incur the violator a penalty stroke, and play is to resume from where the ball lies in its new position.
- It is not permitted to hit the rolling ball repeatedly. Infraction will incur the violator a penalty stroke, and play is to resume from where the ball lies in its new position.
- The player should hold the mallet’s grip shaft by its upper end, not to the mallet head. Infraction will incur the violator a penalty stroke. Should the ball passes through the gate, it is not recognized and, in addition to the penalty applied, play is to resume from where the ball lies in its new position.
Infractions of Rules in Play and Penalties
- The ball on the fairway that lies further away from the gate is given priority to hit, or the referee shall direct the order of play. Any player cannot hit his/her ball at will. Infraction will incur the violator a penalty stroke, and play is to resume from where the ball lies in its new position.
- The player who hits the ball on the fairway, and it rolls out of boundary line without touching the boundary line. It is regarded as out of bounds, a penalty stroke is applied.
- Should the ball in play comes in obstruction against the next player, the concerned player can always request to play first or mark the ball with permission from the referee. Infraction will incur the violator a penalty stroke. The mark is placed directly behind the ball on the fairway before the ball is picked up.
- The ball in play that bumped on obstacles taken as the boundary line and rebounded back to the fairway is not regarded as out of bounds. However, the ball in play that bumped on obstacle outside the boundary line is penalized as out of bounds.
- During play on curving fairways, the ball should be preceded on the fairway. To play the ball flying over out of the bounds area is not permitted. Infraction will incur the violator’s ball penalized as out of bounds.
- When balls on the fairway bumped each other in play:
- The ball at rest that was bumped but remain inbound; play is to resume from where the ball lies in its new position. In event of the ball at rest bumped to pass through the gate, it is regarded as completion of one fairway competition. However, should the ball at rest bumped out of bounds, the penalty stroke is not applied.
- Should the ball in play bumped out of bounds by another, it is penalized as out of bounds.
- Should the ball in play remains inbound after bumped, play is to resume from where the ball lies in its new position.
- During play, the player against sportsmanship is admonished and requested to improve; at the same time, the infraction will incur violator a penalty stroke. Repeated infraction will result in disqualification to the violator from the competition.
- During play, the player who touches balls on the fairway with any part of the body or with the equipment holding during play, the infraction will incur violator a penalty stroke, and play is to resume from where the ball lies in its new position.
- During play, the player who action without observing the rules, or hits the ball with the mallet between his/her legs, a penalty stroke is applied, and play is to resume from where the ball lies in its new position. If the ball passes through the gate, it is not recognized.
- During play, the player may request to change its mallet, and it is permitted after inspected by the organizer. The ball in play is only changeable after each fairway played. (excluding the case that the ball is damaged) Infraction will result in disqualification to the violator from the competition.
- It is not permitted for the player to adjust the fairway ground in front or behind of the ball in play prior to his/her shot. The violator will incur a penalty stroke.
Infractions of Rules in Gate Area and Penalties
- The ball on the gate area, in fairway competitions, the ball farther to the gate is given priority; in stroke competition, the ball nearer to the gate is given priority. Infraction will incur the violator a penalty stroke and play is to resume from where the ball lies in its new position. Should the ball in play pass through the gate, it is not recognized.
- The player cannot damage the gate intentionally. The violator is admonished and applied a penalty stroke. Repeated infraction will result in disqualification to the violator from the competition.